Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Redwood Trees,by Kristi

I am Kristi.Or,sometimes Kristina.
I am on my dad's blog becuse I felt like it.
This is a sort of mini report(not boring!)about redwood trees.
Coast redwoods are some of the tallest trees in,maybe,the world.
These trees can soak up thousands of gallons of water though night humidity and dew.They absorb this water through there needles.People don't water them.
One type of redwood is the sequoia.Sequoias have larger trunks and are slightly shorter than normal coast redwoods.
Obviously,coast redwoods have red bark.The bark is like a reddish-brown that we say is red,but is actually brown.
A report.Maybe I should write it to my teacher,Ms.Finkle.Fourth graders are supposed to write reports about social study stuff,aren't they?
-Kristi or +na


Michelle said...

This is an awesome post, Kristi, sometimes +na! WOW!!

vic-a-la said...

thanks for sharing, kristi! i learned something new :-). i'm glad you got to play in the ocean today. don't post my pic of i look dumb, k? :-)
